A Step in a Different Direction

Hello Reader’s! I have personally made a decision to purchase my blog domain. Personally, there are many reasons as to why I have chosen to go on this journey. After this year and the struggles of processing COVID19 along with Hurricane Sally I do not want my family to just rely on our daily jobs. There is never a promise of having a job because sometimes you will be furloughed during times of crisis. However, I have come to realize that if you have a passion in your life you should follow what makes you happy and free of not having to hunker down in the rules of the world. I love writing and for the last few years I have not wanted to write due to me being selfish and down right lazy when coming home from work. Now, it is time for me to put my education and skills to something good for myself and the family that I love so dearly. I cannot express enough that I still have reader’s and people who have not left because I have not written in quite some time. I truly appreciate the reader’s that will continue to follow on this next chapter in my life.

Somewhere, along the way we have to make our on life and become the person that we are supposed to be and make our own way in life. There are so many things to write about where we live right now. Pensacola is a beautiful area along with the surrounding areas. Writing is like a beautiful artwork that many people have the passion for and they make money on the things that they write. I know that it takes passion and energy to keep things flowing and current. Fresh content is a must because it keeps the readers coming back to read what you have to say. Research and advice from other people like me would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to this adventure and next chapter in my life.

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